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Trust is a Fragile Power

How to Build Trust

Hello Friend!

Welcome to this new upgrade for your brain!
Today’s upgrade will focus on developing its Trust functionality 🧠

All you need to do is open your mind, and enjoy the following enhancement of yourself!

Cognitive Pulse

 Brain warming up

"Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair."

— Unknown

Get doubtful about a question

True or False: Being vulnerable can damage your ability to earn trust.
Answer at the end

Neuronal Activation

Ability explanation, and why you must develop it.

What are we talking about?

ℹ️ - Here’s the hard pill:

Trust isn’t bought or begged for. It’s earned through the nitty-gritty of day-to-day honesty and showing up, even when it’s tough.

People remember actions, not empty words and broken promises.

💪 - By earning trust, you create a foundation of reliability and integrity.

This means people can depend on you, leading to better opportunities, stronger collaborations, and lasting friendships.

Trust turns simple teamwork into a well-oiled machine that drives success.

Not-so-random facts

  1. Lack of trust can trigger the release of cortisol, a stress hormone, leading to negative health impacts.

  2. Oxytocin, often called the 'love hormone,' plays a crucial role in building trust between people.

  3. Trust levels can be measured using the 'Trust Game' in behavioral economics.

  4. Microexpressions can be indicators of trustworthiness, as they often reveal true emotions.

  5. Eye contact can significantly enhance feelings of trustworthiness and connection.

Skill Encoding

 Deeper dive into the skill, with actionable learning materials.


This article teaches you how to build and maintain trust in relationships by being reliable, honest, open, and showing integrity. It offers practical steps and examples on how to demonstrate these qualities consistently over time to foster a trustworthy and respectful connection with others.


  1. Being Reliable:

    Do what you say, honor your promises, and be consistent to build a strong foundation of trust.

  2. Being Honest:

    Tell the truth, admit to lies, and speak from the heart to show that your relationship matters more than personal gain.

  3. Being Open:

    Volunteer information, avoid omitting important details, and set clear boundaries for what you can share.

  4. Showing Your Integrity:

    Keep secrets, display loyalty, manage your emotions well, avoid abusive behavior, commit to positive change, and use assertive communication.


The article discusses the critical importance of building trust in both personal and professional relationships, the two main types of trust (practical and emotional), and provides actionable steps to build trust in the workplace.


  1. Know the Types of Trust:

    Distinguish between practical trust (reliability and competence) and emotional trust (meaningful bonds and emotional intelligence), and build both.

  2. Be Honest:

    Always tell the truth to maintain your reputation and avoid eroding trust quickly.

  3. Keep Promises:

    Make commitments carefully and always follow through to show reliability.

  4. Own Mistakes:

    Admit when you are wrong and avoid making excuses; this showcases vulnerability and honesty.

  5. Communicate Clearly:

    Minimize miscommunication by asking clarifying questions and ensuring message clarity.

  6. Listen Actively:

    Show you care by listening attentively and giving others the chance to speak.

  7. Be Emotionally Open:

    Share appropriate emotions and personal experiences to build deeper connections.

  8. Offer Help Freely:

    Assist coworkers without expecting anything in return to show genuine care.

  9. Show Genuine Interest:

    Remember personal details about colleagues to demonstrate you value them.

  10. Share Information:

    Avoid hoarding information; share it to promote collaboration and trust within the team.

Skill Persistence

 Additional insightful content, and knowledge test.

Additional Resources

Ted Talk - How to build (and rebuild) trust | Frances Frei
Amazing talk on trust by an HBS professor, sharing insights from her time at Uber and practical tips on empathy, authenticity, and logic to help rebuild trust in any organization.

Ted Talk - The Power of Trust | Jennifer DeHayes
This amazing talk on trust highlights how it strengthens us, deepens love, and is crucial in education and relationships. It's all about those small, intimate moments that build a trustworthy world.

Article - 10 Ways To Build Trust in a Relationship
Trust is essential for healthy relationships. Building and maintaining trust involve communication, honesty, empathy, and responsibility. Rebuilding trust requires patience and openness, while self-trust fosters resilience and emotional well-being.

Article - 9 Tips for Building Trust in the Workplace
Building trust in the workplace is vital for productivity and employee engagement. Key strategies include active listening, soliciting feedback, showing appreciation, empowering employees, providing coaching, practicing consistency, focusing on nonverbal communication, creating an inclusive culture, and being honest and transparent.


Introduction question answer:
Being vulnerable can damage your ability to earn trust.👉 False

Explanation: Showing vulnerability can actually enhance trust by demonstrating authenticity and openness.

Losing The Serious

Thank you for reading!

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And remember: In the journey of becoming a better version of yourself, do not focus on perfection, but on progress (One upgrade at a time 😄).

Take care,